Penyesuaian dengan Tim yang Beragam
Sebagai seorang Project Manager, Anda akan bekerja dengan berbagai anggota tim yang memiliki latar belakang dan keahlian yang berbeda-beda. Mungkin ada spesialis dalam desain grafis, penulisan konten, analisis data, atau pengembangan web. Tantangannya adalah memastikan bahwa tim bekerja secara sinergis, berkomunikasi dengan baik, dan saling melengkapi untuk mencapai tujuan proyek.
Know your technology and processes inside out
Using tools you aren’t familiar with is a dangerous game, so to save on time and costly mistakes, get fully acquainted with the tools you’re using. This applies to your team too. A good digital project manager will run training sessions on all software and processes to ensure a smooth-running project.
Use a range of tools, but don’t fall into the trap of overcomplicating things. For example, you can create neat workflow templates rather than building new ones from scratch every time you start a project. This will not only save you time, but being used to the processes, your team can get to work straight away.
Make an effort to learn some of the technical aspects too. Project managers don’t need to be specialists in any particular area, but knowing the difference between Java and JavaScript is essential. Sharpening your technical skills allows you to better estimate the scope of your project, foresee possible issues, and earn the respect of your team.
Digital Project Managers are Vital for Business Success
As a digital project manager, you could be the difference between an organization surviving or thriving in its market. You’ll need excellent communication and leadership skills, bolstered by the technical knowledge and experience that comes from the right educational pathway.
If you’re excited to pursue a career in digital project management, take a look at OPIT’s course offerings. Our goal is to help you succeed, so get in touch if you need more information.
The world has already moved online. Has your job moved with it? Where do project managers work nowadays? Gone are the days of managing work using pen and paper, whiteboards and dry erase markers, sticky notes, and your cubicle walls. Saving Microsoft Word documents and spreadsheets in a folder on your computer is a thing of the past.
Nearly 90% of Americans use the Internet and 77% have a smartphone in their pocket, according to the Pew Research Center. More people than ever can access, build, and manage digital products. The most successful companies are taking advantage of that massive audience and capability.
Today's project managers are moving their teams and processes online to keep up with the competition and deliver at a faster pace than ever before. Using online project management, collaboration software, and cloud file storage systems, work is getting done efficiently and with better results. These digital project managers are the new faces of project management, and if you’re looking to dive into the field, you need to start preparing now.
Luckily, we've compiled everything you need to know about being a digital project manager, from salary to skill set. So, put the pen down (you're digital now, remember?) and study up on what it takes to become a digital project manager.
Perubahan Terus-menerus
Industri pemasaran digital terus berkembang dengan cepat. Anda harus selalu mengikuti perkembangan terbaru, tren, dan teknologi baru yang muncul. Perubahan ini bisa meliputi algoritma mesin pencari, platform media sosial, atau tren perilaku konsumen. Anda harus tetap terdepan dalam hal ini dan memastikan bahwa tim Anda juga mengikuti perubahan tersebut.
Dalam pemasaran digital, pengukuran kinerja sangat penting untuk menilai efektivitas kampanye. Anda harus memiliki pemahaman yang baik tentang metrik pemasaran digital seperti klik, tayangan, konversi, tingkat pengembalian investasi (ROI), dan lainnya. Kemampuan untuk menganalisis data dan membuat laporan yang informatif adalah keterampilan yang penting untuk dimiliki.
Digital Project Manager: A Typical Day
A digital project manager or PM will have their own daily routine:
There may also be industry-specific daily responsibilities. To go back to the healthcare example, ensuring the security of data as per HIPAA requirements might fall under the scope of project management.
What does being a digital project manager mean to you?
If you've already made the switch to digital project management, share your story. What has changed since you moved work to the cloud?
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A pro in project management methodology
Anybody from the digital world will expect to work in an agile way. Unlike traditional, rigid waterfall approaches, agile methodologies like scrum allow you to be flexible, changing your focus where necessary and running iterations until you get it right.
As you plan your project, split it down into two-week sprints that you can attack over ten days before reflecting on your progress. Great for keeping a close eye on your team’s progress, you can also use them to demonstrate your progress to clients.
Managers who can use agile methodology to their advantage will stay focused by always having their overarching goals listed on a Kanban board. They’ll also enjoy a motivated team who can see their individual progress and how it all relates to the project as a whole.
Give an even focus on clients and your team
You may live by the mantra that the customer is always right, but if your team is overworked and under-motivated, you’re going to run into problems. Among the most valued characteristics of a digital project manager is people management, and this means clients and your team.
Take preventative action by setting realistic expectations from the outset. That means not overpromising on what you can deliver for your clients, and being honest about the level of commitment you need from your workforce.
Both of these elements are two-way streets. When dealing with clients, digital project management involves identifying and exploring the primary goals as well as secondary “nice-to-haves”. Turning to your team, create an environment where even the most junior profiles feel comfortable to raise concerns with their workflow.
Ignoring either of these essential tasks will do you no favors in the long run, so take your head out of the sand and start listening to your stakeholders.
Career Path for Digital Project Managers
There are many paths to becoming a digital project manager, but they all require education and experience. As the PM has so much responsibility, most enterprises require applicants to have a BSc degree at the minimum. However, employers know that education only paints part of the picture. You might follow these steps to gain success in digital project management:
Digital project managers are highly sought after in various sectors. Software developers with DevOps and DevSecOps teams often seek digital PMs to manage increasingly distributed systems and teams. Businesses looking to update their cybersecurity policy may hire project managers to ensure this gets done in a timely and efficient manner. Also, look for opportunities in industries undergoing dramatic digital transformation efforts. You might consider healthcare, finance, real estate, or agriculture. Sustainable digitalization is a hot topic in farming right now across Europe. Digital project managers passionate about environmental concerns might find job satisfaction in this industry.
Salaries for digital project managers range from €76K to €137K ($83K to $150K).
Your OPIT course can help open many career doors. We encourage internships and provide elective additional units that may align with your career goals. We also have a dedicated career services team to support students in realizing their dreams.
Siapa Itu Project Manager Digital Marketing?
Project Manager Digital Marketing adalah seseorang yang bertanggung jawab mengelola proyek pemasaran digital. Mereka memiliki pemahaman yang mendalam tentang strategi pemasaran online dan teknologi terkait. Tugas utama mereka adalah mengarahkan dan mengkoordinasikan berbagai aspek kampanye pemasaran digital, termasuk perencanaan, pelaksanaan, pengukuran, dan analisis.
Seorang Project Manager Digital Marketing bekerja sama dengan tim pemasaran dan departemen terkait lainnya untuk mencapai tujuan bisnis melalui strategi pemasaran digital yang efektif. Mereka mengidentifikasi target audiens, menentukan taktik pemasaran yang tepat, mengelola anggaran kampanye, dan mengawasi pelaksanaan proyek secara keseluruhan.
Selain itu, Project Manager Digital Marketing juga bertanggung jawab untuk memantau kinerja kampanye, menganalisis data dan tren, serta membuat laporan kemajuan kepada manajemen. Mereka juga harus memastikan bahwa proyek berjalan sesuai jadwal, dalam anggaran, dan mencapai hasil yang diharapkan.
Kemampuan komunikasi yang baik, kepemimpinan yang efektif, dan pemahaman yang kuat tentang tren dan inovasi dalam pemasaran digital sangat penting bagi seorang Project Manager Digital Marketing. Mereka juga perlu mengikuti perkembangan terkini di bidang teknologi dan platform media sosial untuk memastikan strategi pemasaran yang berhasil.
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